eLearning Management Source Code


E-learning source code is a software system for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of online education, training programs, learning and development programs. This software system concept emerged directly from e-Learning. In e-learning source system you will able to add student in a class, upload file, add course, department, subject.

E-Learning Management System Source Code

E-learning management System source code is a web based software platform that aims to make the role of teachers easier in making their lessons, activities and communication. With this software, teacher can upload his topic whether it’s a video or a pdf file.

Importance of E-learning System Source Code

E-learning system source code designed to allow students access lecture materials from anywhere, and anytime that’s convenient for them. It allows lecturers, and lessions to upload study materials and resources related to class that can be downloaded by students.

E-learning Source Code Download

E-learning source code is the portal for online education in which all the information or the information related to learning and teaching are stored in the database. It is a web based e-learning portal most often a specially developed that brings information together from diverse sources in a uniform way. The main aim to develop e-learning source code system is to overcome the human errors and make a computerized system.


Open source e-learning software source code helps educational institutions create, track, and manage their online education programs. An open source e-learning platform makes its source code open to everyone to inspect, update and enhance according to their education needs. This e-learning software system works well for corporate training industry.

E-learning script is the best e-learning software source code for instructors that can be used in continuing learning and education or business training. E-learning software automatically create reports through this system on learners performance based on course completion. Our e-learning software source code provides full support for multi-user collaboration.


Online education software source code which can help in creating lessions and presentations. It allows you to create highly of presentations which can be published on the web. Our education software source code aids teachers with a highly intuitive visual authoring system to create sequential learning activities allows monitoring the progress of the students. PHP e-learning source code is a fully online system is for anyone developing or teaching an online course. This software is an essential online education platform for professionals, trainers and teachers to create online classes. Our php e-learning system can be used for various e-learning projects such as hybrid learning, and distance education.

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