E-Learning PHP Script
E-learning PHP script has designed especially for teacher and student. Teacher can create tutorials and allocate to his student and student can login and view it.
E-Learning PHP Script Free Download
E-learning also involves communion with the teacher and asking his/her help to solve a problem. It is very simple to understand. It takes the education curriculum outside the classrooms. In e-learning one can take an online course or program and also get a degree online.
Open Source E-Learning PHP Script – Online E-Learning PHP Script
Open source e-learning script helps educational institution create, track and manage their online education programs. An open source e-learning platform makes its source code open to everyone to inspect, update and enhance according to their education needs.
Online e-learning PHP script is a web-based software platforms that aims to make the role of teachers easier in making their lessons, activities and communication.
Online E-Learning PHP Script – Best E-Learning PHP Script
Online e-learning PHP scripts designed to allow student access lecture materials from anywhere, and anytime that’s convenient for them. It allows lectures, and lessons to upload study materials and resource related to class that can be downloaded by students.
The best e-learning PHP script has all the basic requirements such as login, register, social login, forgot password, user management, and role management. Admin can manage every aspect of the system while teacher can create multiple courses with lessons and tests.